Missouri Emergency Response Commission

2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Phone: (573)-526-9113
Fax: (573)-526-9261

Email: mosema@sema.dps.mo.gov
Website: http://www.sema.dps.mo.gov/about/merc.php

Details on Board or Commission

Authority: RSMo 292.602

Department: Public Safety

Mission: The mission of the Missouri Emergency Response Commission is to protect public health and the environment by assisting communities with chemical incident prevention, preparedness, response and recovery; and by receiving, processing and reporting on chemical information received under the community right-to-know laws.

Function: The Missouri Emergency Response Commission carries out those responsibilities designated under sections 292.600 to 292.625 and implement sections 292.600 to 292.625 and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, Public Law 99-499 as amended, and all rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, herein to be known as the federal act. RSMo 292.602 Paragraph 3 Subsection 1.


Details on Meetings

Number of meetings: Four meetings

Location of meetings: Jefferson City; varying locations

Duration of meetings: Two to four hours

Preparation time for meetings: Six hours

Total time commitment: 12 hours

Details on Members

Total members: 14

Appointed members: 6

Term length: Four years

Compensation: Members receive reimbursement for realized and necessary expenses.

Member Requirements: The commission shall be composed of the director of the Department of Economic Development, or his designee; the director of the Department of Public Safety or his designee; the director of the Department of Health or his designee; six members appointed by the governor; one to represent transporters of hazardous materials; one to represent Missouri industry; one to represent local government; one chief fire officer from a recognized fire department or fire protection district; one police officer of the rank of captain or above from a recognized county or municipal police department; one to represent the general public; and four members of the general assembly, two of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house and two of whom shall be appointed by the president pro tem of the senate.

Political Requirements: Yes, no more than three members appointed by the governor shall be of the same political party.

Geographic Requirements: no

Senate Consent Required: Yes


Vacant Slot
director of the department of economic development, or his designee

Brian Allen Vice-Chair
director of the department of natural resources, or her designee

Director James (Jim) Remillard
director of the department of public safety, or her designee

Cory Jorgensen
director of the department of health and senior services, or his designee

Mr. Patrick Aaron Seamands(R)
represent transporters of hazardous materials
Term begins: Dec 23, 2019
Term expires: Dec 15, 2023

Mrs. Lisa A. Cardone(D)
represent Missouri industry
Term begins: Feb 20, 2008
Term expires: Dec 15, 2008

Vacant Slot
represent local government

Mr. Chris Berndt(R)
chief fire officer from a recognized fire department or fire protection district
Term begins: Dec 23, 2019
Term expires: Dec 15, 2023

Vacant Slot
police officer - rank of captain or above from a recognized county or municipal police department

Vacant Slot
Public Member

Representative Tim Taylor
Member of the House of Representatives 1
Term begins: Feb 28, 2023

Representative Sean Pouche
Member of the House of Representatives 2
Term begins: Mar 23, 2021

Senator Justin Brown
Member of the Senate 1
Term begins: Jan 20, 2021

Senator Brian Williams
Member of the Senate 2
Term begins: Jan 30, 2020