Alzheimer's State Plan Task Force

, MO



Details on Board or Commission

Authority: Chapter 191.116

Department: Health and Senior Services


Function: The task force shall assess all state programs that address Alzheimer's disease and update and maintain an integrated state plan to overcome the challenges caused by Alzheimer's disease. The state plan shall include implementation steps and recommendations for priority actions based on this assessment.


Details on Meetings

Number of meetings: The task force shall continue to meet at the request of the chair and at a minimum of one time annually for the purpose of evaluating the implementation and impact of the task force recommendations and shall provide annual supplemental report updates on the findings to the governor and the general assembly.

Location of meetings:

Duration of meetings:

Preparation time for meetings:

Total time commitment:

Details on Members

Total members: 21

Appointed members: 15

Term length:

Compensation: Members shall serve on the task force without compensation.

Member Requirements:

Political Requirements:

Geographic Requirements:

Senate Consent Required: Yes


Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe
lieutenant governor, or his or her designee, who shall serve as chair of the task force

Director Paula F. Nickelson
director of the department of health and senior services

Director Robert J. Knodell
director of the department of social services

Director Valerie Huhn
director of the department of mental health

Representative Don Mayhew
member of the house of representatives to be appointed by the speaker of the house
Term begins: Sep 13, 2021

Senator Elaine Gannon
member of the senate to be appointed by the president pro tempore
Term begins: Sep 20, 2021

Vacant Slot
early-stage Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia

Vacant Slot
family caregiver of a person with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia

Vacant Slot
licensed physician with experience in the diagnosis, treatment, and research of Alzheimer's disease

Vacant Slot
office of state ombudsman for long-term care facility residents

Vacant Slot
residential long-term care

Vacant Slot
home care profession

Vacant Slot
adult day services profession

Vacant Slot
area agencies on aging

Vacant Slot
expertise in minority health

Vacant Slot
law enforcement community

Vacant Slot
department of higher education and workforce development with knowledge of workforce training

Vacant Slot
voluntary health organizations in Alzheimer's disease care, support, and research 1

Vacant Slot
voluntary health organizations in Alzheimer's disease care, support, and research 2

Vacant Slot
licensed skilled nursing facilities

Vacant Slot
Missouri veterans' homes