Homeland Security Advisory Council

P. O. Box 749
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Phone: (573)-522-1113
Fax: (573)-751-5399

Email: homeland.security@dps.mo.gov
Website: http://dps.mo.gov/dir/programs/ohs/hsac.php

Details on Board or Commission

Authority: Executive Order 06-09 & Executive Order 05-20

Authority 2: Executive Order 18-03

Department: Public Safety

Mission: Ensure that state and local homeland security plans on terrorism and disaster preparedness are executed and coordinated efficiently.

Function: The Council shall continue to create, develop, and provide oversight to specific homeland security working groups and to dissolve such working groups when their missions are accomplished. The Council also shall continue to work with and provide direction to regional homeland security oversight committees and establish strategies and priorities for Missouri homeland security grant funding programs and initiatives.


Details on Meetings

Number of meetings: 2

Location of meetings: Jefferson City

Duration of meetings: 2 hours

Preparation time for meetings: n/a

Total time commitment: Varies

Details on Members

Total members: 38

Appointed members: 3

Term length: Serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Governor at his discretion may appoint ex-officio members to the Council.

Compensation: Members receive reimbursement for realized and necessary expenses.

Member Requirements: The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall serve as the Chair of the Council. The Director of the Office of Homeland Security shall serve as the Vice-Chair of the Council. Other members of the Council shall include: the Director of the Department of Public Safety (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Agriculture (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Corrections (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Economic Development (or his or her designee); the Commissioner of Education (or his or her designee); the Commissioner of Higher Education (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Mental Health (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Social Services (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Natural Resources (or his or her designee); the Chief Information Officer of the State of Missouri (or his or her designee); the Director of the Department of Transportation (or his or her designee); the Chairman of the Public Service Commission (or his or her designee); the Director of the State Emergency Management Agency (or his or her designee); the Adjutant General of the Missouri National Guard (or his or her designee); the Colonel of the Missouri State Highway Patrol (or his or her designee); the State Fire Marshal (or his or her designee); and the Director of the Missouri Interoperability Center (or his or her designee). The Director, Chair, Chief Executive Officer, or President (or their designee) of the following vital stakeholders to Missouri's homeland security efforts may also be voting members: the Missouri Red Cross; the Regional Homeland Security Oversight Committee Chairs; all Metropolitan Statistical Areas in Missouri included in Department of Homeland Security risk validation processes; all Intelligence Fusion Centers operating in Missouri; the Missouri Emergency Medical Services Association; the Missouri Association of Fire Chiefs; the Missouri Police Chiefs' Association; the Missouri Sheriffs' Association; the Missouri Emergency Management Association; the 911 Service Board; the Fraternal Order of Police; the Missouri Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster; the Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters; and other members or agencies appointed by the Governor.

Political Requirements: No

Geographic Requirements: No

Senate Consent Required: No


Director Sandra K. Karsten
Department of Public Safety

Director Kylie Dickneite
Office of Homeland Security

Director Chris Chinn
Department of Agriculture

Acting Director Trevor Foley
Department of Corrections

Director Michelle H. Hataway
Department of Economic Development

Director Karla Eslinger
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Commissioner Bennett G. Boggs
Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development

Director Paula F. Nickelson
Department of Health and Senior Services

Director Valerie Huhn
Department of Mental Health

Director Robert J. Knodell
Department of Social Services

Director Jered (Dru) Buntin
Department of Natural Resources

Mr. John Laurent
Chief Information Officer

Director Patrick McKenna
Department of Transportation

Mr. Scott T Rupp
Public Service Commission

Director James (Jim) Remillard
State Emergency Management Agency

Major General Levon E. Cumpton
Missouri National Guard
Jefferson City

Colonel Eric Olson
Missouri State Highway Patrol

Mr. J. Tim Bean
State Fire Marshal

Mr. Roger Strope
Missouri Interoperability Center

Mr. Chris Harmon
Missouri Red Cross

Chief Robert Hearnes
Regional Homeland Security Oversight Committee Chairs

Erin Lynch
Metropolitan Statistical Area - Kansas City

Ms. Samantha Lewis
Metropolitan Statistical Area - St. Louis

Captain Mike Halford
Intelligence Fusion Center - Missouri Information Analysis Center

Captain Jeff Weiler
Intelligence Fusion Center - Kansas City

Sergeant Benjamin Granda
Intelligence Fusion Center - St. Louis

Mr. Joshua Krull
Missouri Emergency Medical Services Association

Mr. Scott Frandsen
Missouri Association of Fire Chiefs

Mr. Robert Shockey
Missouri Police Chiefs' Association

Mr. Kevin Merritt
Missouri Sheriffs' Association

Mr. Bill Brinton
Missouri Emergency Management Association

Mr. Scott Cason
911 Service Board

Mr. Jay Schroeder
Fraternal Order of Police

Mr. Ben Perrin
Missouri Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

Mr. Demetris Alfred
Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters