Board of Certification of Interpreters

3216 Emerald Lane
Suite B
Jefferson City, MO 65109

Phone: (573)-526-2232 ext. V/TTY
Fax: (573)-526-5209

Email: Shanda.Miller@MCDHH.MO.GOV

Director: Shanda Miller - MICS Coordinator

Details on Board or Commission

Authority: RSMo 209.287

Department: Elementary and Secondary Education

Mission: The Board for Certification of Interpreters works to provide at least a minimum competency of interpreting skill and knowledge; to assure that skills can be maximized through training, professional development and workshops for maintenance to insure the standardization of licensure; and to insure the rights of deaf/hearing consumers and interpreters in Missouri.

Function: The Board for Certification of Interpreters evaluates and certifies interpreters; establishes guidelines for interpreters according to their level or certification; maintains the quality of interpreting services; and provides interpreter training workshops to update knowledge and improve skills.

SubCommittees: None

Details on Meetings

Number of meetings: Not less than 2 meetings per year

Location of meetings: Jefferson City

Duration of meetings: 1 day

Preparation time for meetings: 1 week

Total time commitment: 8 hours

Details on Members

Total members: 3

Appointed members: 3

Term length: 3 years; No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms, except a person appointed to fill a vacancy for a partial term may serve two additional terms.

Compensation: Members receive reimbursement for realized and necessary expenses.

Member Requirements: One of the members appointed shall be deaf, one shall be a certified interpreter, and one shall be deaf or a certified interpreter. The members shall be fluent in American sign language, Pidgin Signed English, oral, tactile sign, or any specialized vocabulary used by deaf persons. The memberd shall have a background and knowledge of interpreting and evaluation.

Political Requirements: No

Geographic Requirements: No

Senate Consent Required: Yes


Vacant Slot
Deaf Individual

Vacant Slot
Certified Interpreter

Ms. Mishely Tisius
Deaf Individual or Certified Interpreter
Saint Louis
Term begins: Feb 7, 2013
Term expires: Jun 27, 2015