State Oil and Gas Council

PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402

Phone: (573)-368-2149
Fax: (573)-368-2111


Director: Joe Gillman - Division of Geology and Land Survey

Details on Board or Commission

Authority: RSMo 259.010

Department: Natural Resources

Mission: The State Oil and Gas Council publishes rules and regulations that apply to oil and gas drilling and producing operations to foster and promote orderly and economic development, production and use of natural resources of oil and gas.

Function: The State Oil and Gas Council administers the provisions of statute, RSMo Chapter 259 and 10 CSR 5, and makes investigations as it deems proper pertaining to the oil and gas industry of Missouri.

SubCommittees: none

Details on Meetings

Number of meetings: 4 meetings per year

Location of meetings: Jefferson City, Rolla, and others as needed

Duration of meetings: 1 hour

Preparation time for meetings: 1-2 hours

Total time commitment: 8-12 hours per year

Details on Members

Total members: 8

Appointed members: 2

Term length: Members serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

Compensation: The public members shall not receive any compensation for their services as representatives on the council and all expenses of such representatives shall be paid by their respective entities.

Member Requirements: One member from the division of geology and land survey; one member from the department of economic development; one member from the Missouri public service commission; one member from the clean water commission; one member from the Missouri University of Science and Technology petroleum engineering program; one member from the Missouri Independent Oil and Gas Association; and two members from the public who have an interest in and knowledge of the oil and gas industry, one of whom must reside in a 3rd or 4th class county.

Political Requirements: No

Geographic Requirements: No

Senate Consent Required: Yes


Mr. John Madras
Clean Water Commission
Jefferson City

Vacant Slot
Department of Economic Development

Mr. Joseph Gillman
Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources

Mr. William Luebbert
Member 1
Jefferson City
Term begins: Jun 1, 1989

Vacant Slot
Member 2

Vacant Slot
Missouri Public Service Commission

Dr. Shari Dunn-Norman
University of Missouri

Mr. David Bleakley
Missouri Independent Oil and Gas Association